A Gears of War Collection compiling all three games from the original trilogy has been rumored for a long, long time, but ...
Halo, the Xbox game turned into a TV show, is now available to watch on Netflix, marking the first time it has broken free of ...
The first next-gen Xbox game has reportedly been leaked, and it is a new Call of Duty game from Infinity Ward.
Halo Studios is working on the next game, and now they need to fill a few key roles to help launch it in the marketplace.
Posed as a unique take on the Search And Destroy game mode, Halo Infinite will launch a new "Seek And Deploy" competitive ...
The gaming industry is in the middle of a continuous evolution. The more technological advancements enter the gaming industry ...
Halo: Reach is considered to be truly one of the best games we’ve ever seen in the gaming world. It’s been more than 14 years ...
The only other known person to ever beat Halo 3's Deathless LASO (Legendary All Skulls On) challenge was Thesus, who made ...
More “long-standing, flagship” Xbox franchises will release on PS5, according to first-party boss Craig Duncan, who was ...
Halo has been added to Netflix on Saturday, March 1 in the UK and other regions including Australia and New Zealand. It's ...