The Brew has determined that God’s Love Outreach Ministries, also known as G.L.O.M. Global, is the unnamed California company that hired Marilyn Mosby as she serves out the remaining nine months of ...
Baltimore for a New Harborplace” tells the State Board of Elections it has not raised or spent any money on Question F. UPDATE: Response from group’s chairman.
Opponents object to ads by a political committee, formed by employees of MCB Real Estate, urging a yes vote on Question F, saying the ads obscure the true impact of the charter change.
Another “game changing” redevelopment backed by City Hall fizzles out, raising concerns over Baltimore’s next throw of the dice.
Instead of 39 solid waste employees participating in a computer training program, as originally stated, just one actually attended, underscoring what IG Isabel Mercedes Cumming calls the “digital ...
Lawyers for Baltimore and the state accuse petitioners of waiting too long to object, while their lawyer suggests delayed public release of the Question F language was a tactic to keep voters in the ...
The battle over whether to open up Baltimore’s tourist waterfront to private development moves to the ballot box.
After allowing her to travel widely for employment and family purposes, the U.S. Probation Office and federal prosecutors object to Marilyn Mosby’s latest appeal.
The closures are part of the project at Druid Lake to construct underground water tanks to comply with federal mandates.
Federal District Court Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby has rejected former Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s request to alter her home detention sentence to a nightly curfew so she can travel for a ...