El 12 diciembre de 2015, en la COP21 de París, las Partes de la CMNUCC alcanzaron un acuerdo histórico para combatir el cambio climático y acelerar e intensificar las acciones e inversiones necesarias ...
This page sets out various practical support measures currently provided by UN Climate Change, together with the broader UN system, to assist Parties in the delivery of their commitments. UNDP Climate ...
This activity is installing efficient and low cost biogas technology and creating awareness on the benefits of biogas technology as a way to mitigate climate change in Kenya. Urban areas in Kenya are ...
Uniting behind a set of principles, sports organizations and their communities have created an initiative by collaborating in order to position their sector on the path of the low carbon economy that ...
The Regional Climate Weeks (RCWs) inspire individuals and organizations to become part of the momentum created by the global climate agreement in Paris. It is a unique collaborative platform where ...
Article 6 of the Convention seeks to reduce the impact of climate change by enabling society to be a part of the solution. Education and training are integral in enabling citizens’ contributions to ...
Guyana has become the first Small Island Developing State to undergo an in-country review of its Biennial Transparency Report (BTR). The review, held in Georgetown from 30 September to 4 October 2024, ...
The fourth global dialogue and investment-focused event under the Mitigation Work Programme helped promote global efforts to ...
FCCC/CP/2024/6/Add.1–FCCC/PA/CMA/2024/8/Add.1 At its 35 th meeting, the Standing Committee on Finance concluded work on the sixth Biennial Assessment and Overview ...
This report contains information related to the implementation of the workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) in 2024. The annexes to the report contain a list of the members of the SCF ...