Matthias Kuntzel is the author of the award-winning book Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11. In this essay in intellectual history he argues that the main cause of both ...
Christopher L. Schilling is the author of The Therapized Antisemite: The Myth of Psychology and the Evasion of Responsibility and The Japanese Talmud: Antisemitism in East Asia. Instead of hoping for ...
Families of civilians abducted by Hamas hold a press conference in Kfar Maccabiah, Ramat Gan, 8 October 2023. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90 ...
Karolina Placzynta is a researcher for the Decoding Antisemitism project at the Centre for Research on Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin. She explains the methodology and the main findings of ...
Matthias J. Becker leads the innovative research project Decoding Antisemitism and has for many years been advocating for a new approach to social media studies in the fight against hate speech and ...
A convoy of military vehicles seen near the Israeli-Gaza border, in southern Israel, 15 October 2023. Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90 ...
Documentary maker John Ware explains why he has brought three successful court cases against those who he believed had defamed him and the BBC Panorama programme he made about antisemitism in Corbyn’s ...
Centurion tanks on standby on the Israeli-Sinai border, 21 May 1967. Photo by Moshe Milner. GPO.
Gerald M. Steinberg is emeritus professor of politics at Bar Ilan University and president of NGO Monitor. The incomprehensible brutality of the 7 October Hamas pogrom launched a full scale war, both ...
Chairwoman of the Status of Women Committee MK Aliza Lavie attends a ‘status of Women’ meeting, 3 September 2014. Photo by Noam Revkin Fenton. Flash90.
Tal Schneider is diplomatic and political correspondent for Globes in Israel and is a former DC correspondent for Maariv newspaper. She spoke about the election to Richard Pater, head of BICOM in ...
The glorification of violence in Palestinian Authority media must be addressed if peace talks are to succeed. Even as Israeli-Palestinian peace talks begin again, official Palestinian Authority (PA) ...