Dear Savvy Senior, How do I go about replacing some important documents that were lost when our home of 50 years burned down?
There are a number of updates to the rules of the road that motorists should be aware of to avoid fines and increased costs.
Brits will be forced to fork out an extra £400 a year after a wave of price rises kick in from next month - but there are ...
Washington’s proposed Road Usage Charge under House Bill 1921 is being marketed as a forward-thinking solution to declining gas tax revenues.
The transportation sector has long been the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the United States — and, partially as a ...
While the Town Council approved a 4.3% budget increase on property taxes, a new formula determining vehicle taxes could offset the increase for some.
A Wheeling accountant says he has discovered that the names on vehicle property tax tickets in West Virginia and the form needed to receive a rebate on that tax must match or the state will reject the ...
A Wheeling accountant says he has discovered that the names on vehicle property tax tickets in West Virginia and the form ...
Tracking people every moment they're driving sounds like more surveillance that the public won't welcome. A "road usage ...
Colorado electric truck owners are facing tax credit denials due to truck weight disputes, despite meeting listed criteria.
Opponents to the proposed tax cuts have expressed concern about effects on local and state services. The fiscal note on HB 903 estimates an impact of over $900 million on local government funds.
During the Board of Supervisors’ markup session for the fiscal year 2026 budget Thursday night, county leaders made a ...