Poland's foreign minister said Putin used to criticize the Soviet approach that helped bankrupt it, but now he's repeating ...
The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI) hosted the ...
The new cadre of national security officials is highly confident, highly online and scornful of Washington’s foreign policy ...
In Kurram, rival tribes have clashed over competing narratives, claims of victimhood, and accusations of foreign interference.
Here’s to all of the freedom-loving people across America and around the world and to a new gift of hope for us all.
The lower the oil prices and the higher the sanctions pressure, the less fuel for the war machine in Moscow, Minister of ...
Pakistan is in trouble. A lackluster economy, endemic corruption, abysmal human development indicators, and terrorism are ...
The Syrian conflict highlights the devastating impact of foreign interventions, proxy wars, and ideological ambitions, ...
In late September, a US HC-103J Super Hercules spotted four foreign vessels operating about 440 miles southwest of St.
And because the U.S. military was unprepared for the kind of fight it found itself in during the Iraq War, the lessons to be learned is that the Americans should not become so rigid on things like ...
Putin finds himself in an ‘emperor-has-no-clothes’ moment, and the regime is destroying the country ‘by not making a deal.’ ...