Months after separation from Saira Banu, Sonu Nigam opened up about AR Rahman's behaviour. Scroll down to read full news.
Most of the hit films include her pairing with Rajesh Khanna like Do Raaste, Ram Aur Shyam, Khilona, Aap Ki Kasam, Sachaa Jhutha, Brahmachari, Patthar Ke Sanam, Suraj, Loafer, Dushmun, and many more.
Prakhar Khanna is an independent consumer tech journalist. He contributes to Forbes with reviews and features focusing on the intersection of tech and life. He was part of the judges jury for the ...
Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna on Monday recused himself from hearing two separate pleas pertaining to finalisation of the constitutions of the Indian Olympic Association and the All India ...
Involves transaction of at least 0.5% of the listed shares of a company. What was Rajesh Exports Ltd share price previously? Rajesh Exports Ltd share price was down by -0.36% from the previous ...
Reena Roy’s affair with Shatrughan Sinha was quite popular in the 70s and 80s. The duo met each other for the first time on the sets of Kaalicharan. They became good friends and eventually fell in ...
To make ends meet, Irrfan Khan, at the time, also worked as an air conditioner repairman. Once Irrfan Khan got a chance to visit Rajesh Khanna's house to fix something. Witnessing the megastar's ...
Ananya as the U.S. Consumer and Retail Sector Specialist covers breaking and business news on major firms including Walmart, Nike, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola among other U.S. listed ...
Sanjiv Khanna clarified his decision earlier. Chief Justice of India (CJI) Sanjiv Khanna on Monday recused himself from hearing two separate pleas regarding the finalisation of constitutions for the ...
The film Mela was released 25 years ago with Aamir Khan, Twinkle Khanna, and Faisal Khan in the lead. Despite the anticipation, it was a box office failure but led to the marriage of Khanna and Akshay ...