School can turn classic books into a chore. Rereading Eliot or Austen or Shakespeare as we grow older, we can see how we have ...
Milton’s epic recounts a revolt against Heaven. Readers from Thomas Jefferson to Malcolm X have drawn their own lessons from ...
Rosalind Morris digs deep via ethnography, history, personal testimony, and political thought to tell the story about the ...
I read fiction, and I love forgotten fiction. I love books that have been overlooked. I love English female writers from the ...
Or we may read for the tick-box exercise of writing for assessment requirements: accumulating knowledge of a novel’s original ...
“Middlemarch” by George Eliot, narrated by Juliet Stevenson ... I’d like to read more poetry, and more international fiction. I get locked in my own interests. My podcast, Bookish, made ...
Talks, walks and exhibitions are being held all month Meanwhile, cycling group Coventry CTC is celebrating the achievements of the author George Eliot by ... music, poetry, craft and campaigning ...
Kaplan’s expropriating the title of his most famous poem for “Waste Land: A World in Permanent Crisis.” The decline of the ...
Australian Mary Fortune has been credited as one of the first female writers of detective stories, but none of her readers ...