Gen Z is on track to become the largest and most powerful consumer generation in history. Comprising 32% of the global ...
A 27-year-old woman shared a text from her date on TikTok, highlighting generational differences in texting styles.
At just 24, Nojeemdeen Olukotun is redefining the real estate landscape with his company, Arcelia Real Estate, making ...
Millennials prefer larger homes, while boomers are looking to downsize. Both Gen X and Gen Z are looking for homes around ...
Making fun of millennials has become a sort of trademark for Gen Z. Between being Harry Potter or Disney adults, calling dogs ...
According to a new survey by Page One Power, most of the searchers prefer clicking on brands they know rather than the top ...
Diesel's Milan Fashion Week show has made a daring style choice as it opts for extremely low waistbands that threaten to ...
Builders are increasing overall living space by tacking on more porches and patios, with 68% and 64% of new homes, ...
In 2024, more than 500 movies were released — but the average American has only seen three, according to new research. Gen Z ...
Having a “good” salary is subjective. It can depend on your level of experience, industry and geography. And a new study ...
Why my generation doesn't care about work - More than any other generation, 18-24 year olds have confessed an interest in a ...
On World Protein Day, a YouGov survey conducted in collaboration with the Almond Board of California revealed that almonds ...