Beer drinkers are "turning to the dark side ... No longer seen as the preserve of old men in pubs, the dark, velvety ale is appealing to a wider base of consumers than ever before.
I spend the long, dark winter seeking warmth ... the original equipment and oak fermenters. Traquair House Ale is surely a benchmark beer for the wee heavy style. Less sweet than many American ...
Two Brilliant Fruit Ales (Belgium) – For over 200 years, Lindemans Brewery has crafted traditional lambic beer at its ...
Another Belgian beer, London Porter Dark Ale contains some gut-boosting yeast at the bottom and may contain some potential health benefits due to its antioxidant properties. With plant compounds ...
Even though this year’s Grand National Champion, Third Eye Brewing, won based upon its dark beers, the IPA remained the most popular style of beer overall in this year’s competition ...
Tintagel's old ale, Caliburn, was named the best in the Brown Ales, Red Ales, Old Ales, and Strong Milds category at the Great British Beer ...