- Prześladowania polityczne wobec polskiej opozycji trwają - napisał na platformie X George-Nicolae Simion, rumuński polityk ...
The Council establishes a general approach on a regulation regarding the progressive start of the Entry/Exit digital border ...
Smażenie jest podstawową obróbką cieplną przygotowywanych posiłków. Pomimo tego, że smażone jedzenie jest dla nas smaczne, ...
Mr Wan spoke of the planned gathering after chairing a meeting yesterday comprising representatives of the cabinet, the Senate, House of Representatives, government MPs and the opposition.
W komunikacie podano również, że „Ojciec Święty zasiadł w fotelu i kontynuował leczenie. Jest poddawany tej samej terapii tlenowej, co przez poprzednie dni” – cytował Vatican News. Plac św. Piotra, ...
A group of MPs has vowed to marshall support to pass a Bill seeking to protect whistleblowers to tame corruption and bad governance. Kasalu first brought the Whistleblower Protection Bill in the ...
Ruling and opposition MPs alike criticised a government bill that aspired to regulate the issue of multiple pensions for officials, during a House finance committee meeting on Monday. Presenting ...
Amesbury's conviction means a recall petition could be called to unseat him The Labour Party said the constituency "deserved a better MP" while Reform called for Amesbury to resign to allow a by ...
The boss of United Utilities is set to be quizzed by MPs involved with the ‘reforming the water sector’ inquiry. The sessions will be an opportunity for MPs to quiz the companies on their ...
It’s not every day that you get to meet a pair of llamas but it’s all in a day’s work for MP Andy McNae ... the website https://thewellbeingfarm.co.uk/ Did you know with a Digital ...
Fixing the vacancy problem at MPS requires a state commitment to providing resources and a local commitment to prudent spending — both areas that have fallen short in recent years, with each ...