Moments later, the head of a beluga calf emerged ... who noted the baby whale has yet to grow in his teeth. For the aquarium staff, every birth is significant and the first beluga born at Shedd in ...
Add cocktails blended with ultrasonic waves, Levantine wines and a $350 beluga caviar course to the mix ... whereas eggplant and tomato mes ‘a’ aha and rose-petal muhammara with baby okra are more ...
There are no restaurants in Inukjuak, so we head to the village’s two small grocery ... floor lined with cardboard and raw meats to a bowl of beluga bones and reaches for a gleaming blade. “Baby with ...
Shedd Aquarium’s baby beluga now has a name: Opus. It’s a musical term — meaning a set of compositions — that honors his father Beethoven and nods to the high-pitched songs that have led ...
The name is also a nod to whale’s father and the high-pitched songs that have led these mammals to be dubbed the “canaries of ...
I've been gaga for beluga whales ever since I was a little kid (along with probably every other 80s/90s kid who grew up ...
"He's just constantly growing and developing." After counting over 1,000 votes cast by aquarium members, the baby beluga was given a musical new name. Opus, is the toddler-like beluga's new name.
If they add graceful, charismatic and supple to the description, they are probably talking about a beluga ... heads and look at you, but they do so with near-human facial expressions and big ...
Moments later, the head of a beluga ... who noted the baby whale has yet to grow in his teeth. For the aquarium staff, every birth is significant and the first beluga born at Shedd in four years ...