Faced with the high number of serious and fatal accidents at work (ATGM), the Ministry of Labor and Employment is launching a campaign called The safety of employees is something we have to think ...
Have you had your mobile phone or credit card stolen? You were the victim of a burglary? One of your possessions has been damaged (graffiti on the facade of your house, scratch on your car..
You want to sell your property, buy your future apartment, acquire a land? To estimate an asset, you can request property values. Service-Public.fr explains how to do this. Demand for land values ...
Whether you are a homeowner or landlord, a tenant or a member of a condominium union, you may be eligible for financial assistance to renovate your home. To benefit from personalized and free ...
As a seasonal worker, you may find it difficult to find a place to rent because there is no solid deposit. To remedy this situation, you can use the VISALE guarantee, a free device that guarantees ...
You are a member of the public service of the State and you are concerned by the introduction, in your administration, of the supplementary health requirement from 1 er January 2025? Termination ...
Your bank account balance is negative? You are in a situation of bank overdraft. This means that the amount charged to your account is greater than the amount credited. You can arrange with your ...
Le justificatif d’identité est un document PDF signé électroniquement par le ministère de l’Intérieur. Il permet de prouver ...
Ce site utilise des cookies permettant de visualiser des contenus et d'améliorer le fonctionnement grâce aux statistiques de ...
La prime Coup de pouce Rénovation performante de bâtiment résidentiel collectif peut être attribuée à un syndicat de ...
Le Label Rouge est le premier label alimentaire a être institué. Son cadre d’homologation a été fixé par un décret du 13 ...
Vous vous êtes fait voler votre portable ou votre carte bancaire ? Vous avez été victime d’un cambriolage ? Un de vos biens a été dégradé (graffitis sur la façade de votre habitation ...