ESPN and ESPN2 each deliver monthly increases over 100% to help drive Disney.
In September, audiences in Mexico decreased their streaming usage by 1 point compared to the previous month, accounting for ...
During June, streaming audiences in Mexico increased by 1.4 percentage points compared to the previous month, accounting for 19% of TV viewing time. In addition, Netflix increased by 1.1 share points.
Understanding who ads are reaching, how often, and the outcomes those advertising campaigns drive is the unending challenge of marketers. As outcomes metrics have become increasingly difficult to ...
Strategic planning and addressable advertising have become indispensable tools for marketers seeking to reach their target audiences with precision. Larry Allen, VP & GM of Addressable Enablement at ...
The media industry faces several hurdles in implementing advanced audience targeting. Hear Mainak Mazumdar, Chief Research and Analytics Officer at FOX, share his thoughts on current pain points.
Nielsen collaborated with Climate Central, a policy-neutral non-profit climate science organization, to assess the presence of accurate and informative climate reporting in local media to engage ...
미디어 업계는 고급 오디언스 타겟팅을 구현하는 데 있어 몇 가지 장애물에 직면해 있습니다. FOX의 최고 연구 및 분석 책임자인 마이나크 마줌다르가 현재 직면한 문제점에 대한 생각을 ...
전략적인 계획과 어드레서블 광고는 타겟 고객에게 정확하게 도달하고자 하는 마케터에게 없어서는 안 될 도구가 되었습니다. 컴캐스트의 어드레서블 인에이블먼트 부문 부사장 겸 GM인 래리 ...
Il settore dei media si trova ad affrontare diversi ostacoli nell'implementazione del targeting avanzato dell'audience. Ascoltiamo Mainak Mazumdar, Chief Research and Analytics Officer di FOX, che ci ...
El sector de los medios de comunicación se enfrenta a varios obstáculos a la hora de implantar la segmentación avanzada de audiencias. Mainak Mazumdar, Chief Research and Analytics Officer de FOX, ...
战略规划和可寻址广告已成为营销人员精准触达目标受众不可或缺的工具。康卡斯特公司(Comcast)可寻址启用部副总裁兼总经理拉里-艾伦(Larry Allen)解释了大数据测量如何帮助营销人员更好地 ...