Numerous BC Conservative MLAs associated with extreme, conspiratorial and bigoted views were just elected in British Columbia ...
BC Teachers’ Federation says the BC Conservative education platform echoes language of American-style right-wing culture war ...
Groups pen open letter calling for action against a BC Conservative spokesperson for “targeting Muslims, Sikhs and women of ...
BC Conservatives already facing calls to remove candidate Brent Chapman after posting anti-Muslim and anti-refugee content ...
The BC Conservatives have signalled that they will remove Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) teaching materials ...
BC Conservative candidate Brent Chapman shared anti-refugee content in a private members-only right-wing Facebook group ...
Brent Chapman warned UN is taking control of Canadian municipalities while crediting far-right leaders in Argentina, Hungary ...
Nuremberg 2.0’ is an idea being pushed by conspiratorial far-right groups to prosecute politicians, doctors and others for ...
First Nations chiefs take issue with John Rustad’s paternalistic rhetoric and plan to roll back Indigenous rights ...