Rain that fell for two consecutive days in many cities and regions of Azerbaijan, including Baku, has caused a series of complications. Roads, tunnels, and residential areas have been flooded, cars, ...
წელს დამკვირვებლები საქართველოში თუ საზღვარგარეთ გახსნილ ...
Почетный председатель правящей «Грузинской мечты», олигарх Бидзина Иванишвили сделал несколько громких заявлений 21 октября в интервью ...
Bidzina Ivanishvili, the honorary chairman of the ruling “Georgian Dream” party and an oligarch, made several bold statements in an interview with the pro-government TV channel “Imedi” on October 21.
A powerful march under the slogan “Georgia Chooses the European Union” took place in Tbilisi. Around 200,000 people marched with Georgian and EU flags from five different districts, converging at the ...
According to a survey conducted by the International Republican Institute (IRI) in Armenia, 56% of respondents support the signing of a peace agreement with Azerbaijan. Of these, 31% fully support it, ...
Редакция Евроньюс-Грузия провела блиц-интервью с несколькими лидерами грузинской оппозиции в преддверии критически важных для страны ...
Для трудоустройства и участия в программах господдержки беженцы из Нагорного Карабаха должны принять гражданство Армении, однако большая ...
თბილისში, თამარ მეფის ქუჩაზე არის ქსოვილების უძველესი მაღაზია, სადაც ისევ საბჭოთა დროინდელი ...
According to the Apsnypress news agency, on October 16, a Georgian drone filming military sites was neutralized in Abkhazian territory. In light of this incident and the upcoming parliamentary ...
Как сообщает информагентство Апсныпресс, 16 октября на территории Абхазии был нейтрализован грузинский дрон, снимавший военные объекты.
This is the first time in 12 years of being in power that the party has made territorial integrity a central issue of its election campaign.