ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne (EPFL) are intensifying their collaboration in artificial intelligence (AI). They have founded the Swiss National AI Institute (SNAI) with the aim of addressing challenges ...
Grâce à une nouvelle méthode, les chercheurs de l'ETH Zurich mesurent dans les cellules quelles protéines interagissent avec lesquelles. Ils posent ainsi une première pierre pour le développement de ...
Andrea Alimonti is one of the recipients of this year's Cloëtta Prize. He is a professor of Experimental Oncology at ETH Zurich and the Università della Svizzera italiana, as well as the director of ...
Andrea Alimonti erhält den diesjährigen Cloëtta-Preis. Er ist Professor für experimentelle Onkologie an der ETH Zürich und der Università della Svizzera italiana sowie Direktor des Institute of ...
Die Funktion von biologischen Zellen wird durch die Wechselwirkungen von Proteinen bestimmt. Fehlgeleitete Protein-Interaktionen sind Ursache für zahlreiche Krankheiten. Forschende der ETH Zürich ...
Generative AI is already good at delivering teaching materials in alternative forms and making them more accessible. It also helps with programming. Vermant sees potential but also a need for ...
EPFL and ETH Zurich Presidents Martin Vetterli and Joël Mesot consider high tuition fees as in the English-speaking world to be the wrong approach to improving the financial situation of the two ...
Experience the latest developments at the interface of business and science at the ETH Industry Day @ Open-i on November 21/22 at the Zurich Convention Center. Benefit from a two-day programme packed ...
In den letzten zwanzig Jahren hat die ETH Zürich ihre Studierendenzahlen mehr als verdoppelt. An der EPFL stieg diese Zahl im gleichen Zeitraum sogar auf das Dreifache an. Allein an der ETH Zürich ...
Insieme a Ottobock e ORTHO-TEAM, il Centro di competenza per l'ingegneria e la scienza della riabilitazione (RESC) dell'ETH gareggia come Team Ottobock.X3 nella gara di protesi di gamba a Cybathlon ...
Monter des escaliers ou traverser un chemin inégal : Pour les personnes équipées de prothèses de jambes traditionnelles, ce sont souvent des obstacles presque insurmontables au quotidien. L'équipe du ...
Researchers have developed a laser that can produce extremely short pulses with peak powers up to 100 megawatts and 550 watts of average power. This was made possible by an optimized arrangement of ...