I followed the porting guide from mmWaveLink docs and managed to run mmWaveDFP on my FPGA. I am running mmWaveLink_SingleChip_NonOS_Example and using SPI communication. MMWL_powerOnMaster and ...
I am looking to flash the program into the Flash memory of our controller using the CAN protocol. Could you kindly suggest the best approach or tools for achieving this? Additionally, I require a ...
I´ve used Uniflash application to create a standalone command line package (zip) for the XDS100 v3. On another PC, I ran "one_time_setup.bat" and then "dslite.bat ...
I am currently working with the TMS320F28335 microcontroller and using the Example_2833xSci_FFDLB_int.c example code. My goal is to configure the system so that data is transmitted on the TX pin only ...
The customer is trying to port mmwavelink to zynq. The firmware is ready for download. However, the next step cannot be taken when getting to MMWL_setDeviceCrcType, since it stuck at ...
I have a problem with the DAC output: it always stays at 0 volts. To provide some context, I designed and prototyped two bipolar voltage sources using the DAC8812 and two OPA2277 (based on the bipolar ...
I have a query need your help. After writing all the .gg file, an error message is reported that Value is beyond maximum value defined for parameter.Calibration,Data ...
Hi. I have tried to include this library files in many different ways, but I am not able to resolve the error. This gets resolved only when I add the physical files ...
I appear to be having a problem setting up an ADS131M06. I can read back the registers I set but there appears to be no difference in the output. I've checked the signal with an oscilloscope to check ...
I am implementing support of the MSPM0L1306 for a programmer. I am able to program the MCU including its NONMAIN via SWD. I am able to protect it using a password, when I set BOOTCFG0=0xAABBCCDD or ...
In theory this should be possible since LIN is a single wire protocol. However, we do not have a plan to support this.
My customer expecting PDF version documentation for CCS 10. Do we offer that? We need to take notes off-line, what could we do to make it?