A 70-year-old bridge over the New York State Thruway near Syracuse has been replaced. The new bridge reopened to traffic this ...
The Beechcraft plane landed on the Thruway in Albany after a report of mechanical problems. There were no injuries.
The $450 million project to rebuild or renovate the New York State Thruway's 27 rest stops will be completed in 2025 . As ...
The NYS Thruway has lost $631,000 in revenue from drivers hiding or altering their license plates to avoid tolling cameras, ...
A small plane landed on the New York State Thruway in Albany Friday afternoon, according to the New York State Thruway ...
A small twin-engine plane experiencing mechanical problems landed on the New York State Thruway in the Capital Region Friday, ...
The pilot radioed that ice was building up on the wings of the twin-engine Beechcraft before it landed on the Albany highway.
The pilot contacted the control tower to say the plane had suffered a mechanical issue before it made the emergency landing.
"It's a miracle," a New York State Police spokesperson said about the lack of injuries after the plane came down on the busy ...
ALBANY, N.Y. — A small plane landed on the New York State Thruway in Albany, creating a surprise traffic delay. The incident ...
No injuries were reported after a plane landed on the New York State Thruway near Albany Friday.
The pilot, 19-year-old Logan Steed from Winnsboro, South Carolina, realized he would not make the runway due to mechanical ...