In today's Asking Eric column, R. Eric Thomas responds to someone who isn't sure if they should send a wedding gift to ...
I'm interested in accepted protocol for acknowledging an event when the couples don’t send even an announcement or ...
Dear Uninvited Dilemma: About a decade ago, Miss Manners wrote “a wedding invitation is not an invoice.” That’s fabulous ...
We have suggested she might be depressed or lonely, but she scoffs, saying she likes spending time alone. We have suggested ...
My mother has been a widow for quite a few years now. Her days consist of watching TV. We took her on vacation with us once, ...
However, it seems that you’re rightfully perplexed about why you didn’t make the cut. If you’re looking for an explanation, a ...
"While I don’t mind visiting Paul in the hospital, I get extremely anxious whenever I’m invited to stay as a guest in another ...
A letter writer worries about their widowed mom who prefers to stay indoors and watch TV.
Paul,” my brother-in-law, will be having major surgery in the next month or so. My husband and I plan to fly out to see him ...
We have suggested activities with a senior center, her church, etc., and she declines, stating she doesn’t want to hang ...
Dear Uninvited Dilemma: About a decade ago, Miss Manners wrote “a wedding invitation is not an invoice”. That’s fabulous ...
Her days consist of watching TV. We took her on vacation with us once, but she wanted to stay in the hotel and watch TV. She ...