Do any of you remember the inexpensive toy that allowed you to take a small magnetic pencil and draw a mustache or beard on ...
Shiloh Baptist Church (New Site), 525 Princess Anne St., worships each Sunday at 10 a.m. Services are also livestreamed at ...
An overwhelming majority of Protestant pastors in the United States have gifted their congregants free Bibles to encourage ...
“Studies have shown participation in ongoing Bible studies bolsters worship attendance. The higher a church’s percentage of weekend worship attendees involved in a small group, Sunday School class or ...
Worship in Chapel, 9 a.m.; worship in gym, 10:30 a.m. Service is also viewable on Facebook, YouTube or the church website. Sermon: “Shepherding One Another.” For information on in-house worship, visit ...
Many people want to study their Bible, but they just simply cannot figure out how to do it, so they end up not studying.