Increased use of ventilation and air cleaners, designed to mitigate the spread of viral infections in hospitals, is likely to have unpredictable effects and may cause viral particles to move around ...
Scientists have used advanced X-ray phase-contrast tomography (XPCT) to uncover how gut health may influence Alzheimer’s disease.
Gage R&R is all about the integrity of your measurement system and its ability to capture the true values of what you are ...
Scientists have harnessed many-body physics to transform quantum dots into scalable, stable quantum nodes. By entangling ...
More than 30 countries grant unrestricted birthright citizenship based on the ‘jus soli’ principle – and nearly all of them ...
Air cleaners and ventilation systems, meant to reduce airborne infections in hospitals, may have unexpected effects, ...
University of Oklahoma's Dr. Sreemathi Logan leads a study on dementia, backed by a $2.2 million grant, focusing on aging, ...
Dana Christiansen, owner of Tree Hill Learning Centers in Vancouver and Camas, is struggling to balance rising costs with the goal of paying her staff a living wage and keeping her facility running. C ...
Enduring businesses recognize the importance of making decisions that create lasting positive impact beyond immediate ...
The meeting invited residents to share their flooding experiences over the past few years. The study hopes to offer potential ...
Cheatgrass was brought into the US in the 1880s and made its way into every county in Idaho by the 1980s. Once it dries up in ...
Researchers are aiming to work out how far bees will fly from the hive to forage for food, with the goal to learn more about their travel and feeding patterns.