The European Union has sufficient capacity for liquefied natural gas and Member States can cut themselves off from Russian ...
In an interview with Canadian journalist Arpon Basu, former NHL draft pick and Slovak hockey player Juraj Slafkovský shared ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico is in Brussels for an EU leaders' summit. The topics are migration and the war in Ukraine. In fact, Volodymyr Zelensky presented his victory plan to the Prime Minister and ...
After Zuzana Dolinková resigned and President Peter Pellegrini appointed Kamil Šaško as Health Minister, no one knew what would happen next. Foto: Instagram/Zuzana Dolinková According to the daily ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) thinks that the end of the war in Ukraine is coming soon. He expects a shift on the issue of the war's resolution and is also waiting to see what Ukrainian ...
Moldavci v nedeľnom referende podľa takmer úplných výsledkov zrejme tesne odmietli ústavné zakotvenie vstupu do Európskej ...
Jasno až polojasno. Zrána a dopoludnia ojedinele hmla alebo zamračené nízkou oblačnosťou. Denná teplota 11 až 18 st. Prevažne ...
Rusko je známe svojou vodkou. V jednej dedine niekoľko stoviek kilometrov od Moskvy sa ale nachádza pálenica whisky, ktorá ...
Obyvatelia Banskej Štiavnice nebudú musieť so svojimi chorými deťmi cestovať do iných miest. Župe sa podarilo získať detskú ...
Koalícia už pol roka nevyriešila obsadenie stoličky predsedu parlamentu. Miesto toho strana HLAS, ktorá má na ňu nárok, rieši ...