Sony will unveil during NAB 2025 (April 6-9, Las Vegas) its first camera tracking system: Ocellus (ASR-CT1), designed to ...
Users will be able to create and control live graphics, virtual studios, AR and RX elements via templates and using Unreal Engine 5 through Zero Density’s new workflow, which can be seen in action at ...
Two years after the European specialist ES Broadcast decided to rely on Crosspoint’s potential and experience, the distributor, service provider and integrator is facing a present marked by the ...
Avid has made significant additions to its leadership team as it looks to meet the needs of the changing media landscape: Tom Sharma has been appointed CTO and Dominic Constandi will serve as CCO, ...
Net Insight demostrará en NAB 2025, Facility Connect, una potente solución diseñada para agilizar flujos de transmisión sobre ...
NAB 2025 contará un año más con la presencia de Sennheiser, marca que mostrará las últimas novedades de marcas como Merging y ...
Descubre cómo Ruima Video Art cubrió la Ultramaratón Transgrancanaria, una carrera de 126 km, utilizando soluciones de ...
Jaume Jardi (Bloody Mary) traslada su visión sobre la actualidad de la industria de la producción audiovisual publicitaria.
Comienza el rodaje de ‘Ravalear’ (‘Rabalejar’), serie Max producida por Arcadia y Supernova, y dirigida por Pol Rodríguez e ...