Thank you for visiting GoodtoKnow. After many wonderful years of bringing you inspiring and useful parenting and food tips, we will no longer be updating our website. Thank you for being part of our ...
Your children likely love the muddy puddle jumping pig, but parents aren't so sure about the sometimes obnoxious Peppa. Peppa Pig has now amassed a total of 381 episodes and been translated into over ...
Quark has long been used by dieters as an alternative to more fatty creams and yoghurts and a source of healthy protein. What is Quark and why is it becoming popular? Quark has been especially popular ...
Is Weetabix a healthy choice, are the calories in Weetabix and the fat content low? We investigate one of the nation's favourite cereals. The flaky biscuits – fortified with Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin ...
If you've had a vaginal birth, you'll know that the stitches you might need after birth can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Some women even say that the soreness from their stitches after ...
The skull theory is a fun gender prediction method, which some claim can determine if you're having a boy or girl from a 12-week ultrasound picture. "NHS scans are in place for medical purposes," says ...
Is it possible to predict the gender of your baby using old wives tales about pregnancy? Some people certainly think so! So whether you're eager to find out what the sex of your baby is before the ...
Dummies can be a controversial topic. For many parents and children they bring comfort and relief, yet for others they are a bad habit that's best avoided. For a new parent, dummies for babies can ...
There are three stages of labour - the way they all start and progress, will differ for every woman. During the first stage of labour, your cervix thins and dilates to around 4cm dilation (opening).
Seeing Mufasa encourage Simba in The Lion King, watching Pascal comfort Rapunzel in Tangled, or being gripped by the animated story of Robin Hood as he bravely risks his own safety to help others, all ...
Your January slimming just got a little bit easier - and more affordable! Back in 2017, budget supermarket Aldi launched Slimming World-inspired ready meals, which ...
Call yourself a brainbox? Prove it with our selection of riddles and brain teasers. We've pulled together some of the best puzzles from across the internet, so you can test yourself. And don't worry, ...