Unfortunately, too many gardeners unknowingly make simple seed sowing mistakes that set them up for failure. So, before you ...
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Spring flowers are important for pollinators, too. Many pollinators, including bumblebees and some butterflies, hibernate over winter and they rely on spring flowers to provide them with nectar and ...
Solar lights are environmentally friendly lighting and with a good set, you can create an ambience that lets you enjoy your garden long after dark. Powered by solar panels, they absorb daylight and ...
A wormery is a great way of recycling kitchen and small amounts of garden waste, using worms to turn this material into nutrient-rich natural compost. A sump within the wormery also holds any excess ...
No matter what the season, gardening always carries the risk of muddy boots and shoes but you can help keep floors clean and clear by storing them in a welly boot rack, many of which are even suitable ...
Lilacs, Syringa, are classic garden shrubs and small trees that bear panicles of fragrant, tubular, single or double flowers in shades of purple, pink and white from late spring to early summer. Lilac ...
Turning wet weather into a windfall, water butts are a great way to conserve water while keeping your garden well-maintained and healthy. Coming in a wide range of materials and sizes, a water butt ...
Like many plants in the garden, the grass in your lawn could do with a boost in spring. This involves aerating, scarifying, tidying and fertilising your lawn, helping the grass to regenerate and grow ...
A water feature is a wonderful addition to the garden, bringing life, movement and relaxing sounds into your space. A solar water feature has the added benefits of being cable free, needing no outside ...
In the autumn months, it’s glorious to see the leaves turn from green through to golden brown, but once they start to fall and cover our gardens, it’s a different matter. While those leaves that ...