Richard B. Hays, the former dean and George Washington Ivey Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, has ...
Duke Divinity School is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on Feb. 25-28, 2025. The purpose of this visit is to verify ...
Duke Divinity School will hold a Service of the Word with the Rev. Dr. Alma Tinoco Ruiz, assistant professor of the practice of homiletics and evangelism, director of the Hispanic House of Studies, ...
While Jalen Garza, M.Div. '26, has felt a calling to ministry since she was 16 years old, her latest field education placement at Duke Divinity School has deepened her call, teaching her about the ...
The Asian House of Studies is hosting a luncheon to welcome students taking hybrid classes and to reconnect with the community as the spring term begins. This event offers an opportunity to meet ...
The Methodist House leadership team invites students to relax and enjoy games and food with peers.
Duke Divinity School will hold a service with community reflection on Psalm 29 with the Rev. Dr. Keith Daniel, spiritual formation instructor.
Duke Divinity School will hold a Service of the Word with a reflection from Dr. Anathea Portier-Young, associate professor of Old Testament.