When in Rome, do as the Romans do! After other audio events got cancelled, audiophiles were hoping and waiting to attend to the latest edition of this Rome High End Show. Many visitors have crowded ...
dopo tanti anni di sacrifici, sto finalmente realizzando il sogno di una villetta in campagna con stanza esclusivamente dedicata all' ascolto della musica (riporterò finalmente in funzione le mie ...
The first serious cartridge I ever bought was a Denon DL-301, back in 1988. Hairy business, as I decided to buy unheard, based on a review only (such stupidity), and the 301 would cost me about 50% of ...
One of the joys of vinyl is that it appeals to those who like to fiddle about with their hi-fi to get the best sound. Anyone who has a long term interest in the medium will be well aware how changes ...
The Opera is an Italian lively HiFi firm, always improving its products and designing new ones. So time was come to improve the nice towers named Opera Terza. I suggest to read the whole description ...
Astin Trew is a relatively new English audio brand run by Michael Osborn. He started the company less than 3 years ago and in that time managed to produce a preamp, a power amp, an integrated amp and ...
Garrard Labs was a Company that between the 60s and the 80s designed and built many turntables and some of these are considered, even today, nice examples of high precision craftsmanship and of a ...
The audio press pays a great deal of attention to various components and configurations in home audio equipment. There is a large and diverse selection of articles available in print and on-line about ...
Lastly, Figure 4 illustrates a serious power supply. For a start, we see that each half of the supply has its own full wave bridge rectifier. This allows for significantly improved rectification, as ...
When asked about the best method to clean vinyl records my answer has always been the same: just avoid them getting dirty :-) In other words, if a vinyl is bought new and well stored afterwards it is ...
This review is heavily biased by the writers belief that anyone who does not possess a record player is MISSING OUT... One of the effects of the seemingly unstoppable progress of CD is that an ...
The declared goal of the Aliante "Punto 5" project, is the one to reduce by half the size without halving construction quality and musical performance, which should both have to be kept at an high ...