The University of Helsinki and its technology transfer and commercialisation company Helsinki Innovation Services Ltd are ...
For those striving for a Deep Tech & AI-enabled sustainable future, NEXUS is the place to grow crystallised solutions into fundable & scalable global startups. The call for the 3rd round of NEXUS is ...
The MSc degree in Data Science consists of 120 credits divided into core courses, data science specialisation courses, and other courses, as described below. You can specialise either in the core ...
The University of Helsinki’s Tvärminne station runs a scientific diving academy to train diving scientists to explore our planet’s melting polar regions and work in other extreme circumstances. In ...
A study of Mahmudah (2024) among international students (n=61) participating to WELLS-course showed a significant positive change in the psychological flexibility of students. Furthermore, in relation ...
Dear all, we warmly welcome you to join the Helsinki Legal History Series Lecture with Professor Anne Orford from the University of Melbourne on October 8th When: Tuesday, 8th October 2024, 3:00pm - 4 ...
Join tomorrow's EuroStorie legal history series' lecture in person or via Zoom! Our affiliated institution Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence, Centre of European Studies at the Faculty of Social ...
Emilia Palonen is presenting about a multi-project, multi-country study from the TikTok and Instagram on Audio Visual Campaign for the European Parliament.
We are experiencing a transformation that may surpass even the arrival of the internet, says Professor of Computer Science Sasu Tarkoma. Time to think – that is what we always seek from new ...
Pitkäaikaistutkimus osoittaa, että viimeisten 30 vuoden aikana raskauteen liittyvät aivoverenkiertohäiriöt ovat yli kaksinkertaistuneet. Keskeisin hoidettava riskitekijä on korkea verenpaine.
Draamaopastuksen aikana lapset pääsevät tutustumaan Kaisaniemen kasvihuoneiden hurjimpiin ja ihmeellisimpiin kasveihin. Kasvinoita Kaisa on päättänyt keittää kaikkien aikojen pelottavimman ...
Call for Papers open until 15th of March 2025 The Special Issue in Forests Monitors is focused on broader forest policy related issues, specifically within EU or member states, and the Special Issue ...