has entered its eighth day in Rajasthan, an official said on Monday. After facing unexpected rain delays and difficulty in digging due to rocky terrain, officials are racing against time to rescue ...
Three-year-old Chetna has been stuck inside a narrow 150 feet deep borewell for over 70 hours as the rescue operations were still underway on Thursday to save the girl. Worried about her daughter's ...
Three-year-old Chetna remained trapped in the borewell in Rajasthan's Kotputli even as the rescue operations entered the eighth day on Monday. Hapless mother of 3-year-old Chetna, who fell in a ...
Jaipur: Chetna, a three-year-old girl who fell into a borewell in Kotputli, Rajasthan has finally been rescued after ten days and five failed attempts. After being rescued, she was immediately ...
A three-year-old child who fell into a borewell in Rajasthan's Kotputli 10 days ago, died shortly after she was rescued. Chetna, who was rescued after five failed attempts, was immediately shifted ...
Rescue operations are ongoing in Rajasthan's Kotputli-Behror district to save a 3-year-old, Chetna, who fell into a borewell over a week ago. Despite ...
Jaipur: Three years old Chetna who fell in the borewell pit in Kotputali Rajasthan could not be rescued even on the fifth day. The continuous rain since Thursday night, hampered the rescue ...
Three-year-old Chetna fell into the borewell while playing in the agriculture farm of her father in Badiyali Dhani under Sarund police station of Kotputli-Behror district The Tribune, now ...
JAIPUR: For more than 110 hours, Dholi Devi has been anxiously praying to god and the rescue team to pull out her three-year-old daughter Chetna from of a 150-foot deep borewell in which she is ...
For more than 110 hours, Dholi Devi is anxiously praying to god and the rescue team to pull out her three-year-old daughter Chetna from of a 150-foot deep borewell in which she is stuck since December ...