A voltage divider is one of the easiest circuits in the world to analyze. Consider two resistors Ra and Rb in series. Voltage comes in at the top of Ra and the bottom of Rb is grounded.
and RL are essentially the same as the basic buck circuit seen last time. The difference is that R2 and R3 form a voltage divider that splits the voltage in half and sends it to U2. U2 is a ...
The circuit of a voltage divider may be drawn with the two resistors vertical, not horizontal. If there are two resistors in series across a voltage source, then the circuit is a voltage divider.
This transistor switching circuit uses an npn transistor, a voltage divider (consisting of a \(5 kΩ \) resistor and thermistor) and a \(5 V\) power supply. Use the information in the table to ...