Provide information about your health history and immunizations. If you did not yet read the informational immunization and meningitis requirements, please do that before completing and submitting ...
Students that need to have a form reviewed, completed, and signed by their medical provider should submit a request as follows: Complete the demographic information on your form and as much of the ...
please complete the electronic “Authorization to Release Health Information” form through the MyCUHealth portal. Record requests will be processed within 30 days. If you would like a family member or ...
This form is for requesting an exemption from the ... a copy of the results of tuberculosis screening tests (if required), and the required health documents, or your copies of similar documents.
Contact/Health Information Completed by the AESOP Leader. Authorizes AESOP leaders’ health information to be shared with Associate Director of Outdoor Education & Programs and AESOP Student ...
All students are required to submit required health information electronically via the RIT Wellness Portal. The forms below are available to Students with an RIT Computer Account and can be accessed ...
Alternatively, Abe Osheyack, Assistant Athletic Director, can be contacted for further information: [email protected]. No, we will accept any medical forms from your Pediatrician, PCP, or ...