George Ness, of North Shields, had bludgeoned John Smyth to death when police arrested him at Wallsend Metro station ...
John Smyth, 63, was repeatedly struck with a wooden plank after trying to stop George Ness, 41, smashing his way into a woman's home in Wallsend, Newcastle Crown Court has heard. In his closing ...
Smyth, a barrister who ran Christian youth camps, abused at least 115 children and young men across three countries in the ...
John Smyth, 63, suffered multiple fatal injuries to his head as he was attacked near his home in Wallsend, North Tyneside, in September, Newcastle Crown Court heard. Prosecutors claimed his ...
George Ness, of North Shields, bludgeoned John Smyth to death when he tried to chase him away from his neighbour's flat in ...
John Smyth, 63, was battered to death in a backyard in Wallsend as he tried to stop George Ness from smashing his way into a woman's flat. Ness, 41, from North Shields, had claimed self-defence ...