Desperate Housewives was a soap opera show that originally aired between 2004 and 2012 on ABC. Unlike other soap operas of ...
Desperate Housewives is piquing interest after nearly 13 years of conclusion. It revolves around a group of housewives ...
In “Helen of Troy, 1993,” the poet Maria Zoccola relocates a figure from Greek mythology into small-town Tennessee.
EXCLUSIVE: Gail O’Grady, three-time Emmy supporting actress nominee for her role as Donna Abandando on NYPD Blue, has signed ...
A French woman named Anne lost 830,000 euros to scammers pretending to be Brad Pitt. She believed she was in a romantic ...
Fans hoping for a ‘Desperate Housewives’ revival might have to content themselves with Marcia Cross’ 15-second reprise as Bree Van de Kamp.
The actress said despite everybody pitching in to help on the streets of the city, ‘there’s so much to work through’ ...